House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told fellow Democrats on Monday that it was “almost sinful” the way the Trump administration has handled the epidemic over the novel Wuhan coronavirus, citing the federal government’s failure to provide adequate testing along with personal protective equipment for states caught shorthanded.
“The more misrepresentations he puts out there, the more it obscures the truth,” Pelosi said of President Donald Trump’s actions regarding the virus in a private phone call with members of her caucus, according to Politico. “We have to insist upon the truth — what they’re saying is not knowledge, is not facts, is not real.”
Pelosi slammed Trump’s efforts to restart the economy by the first of May in particular, calling it impossible for the administration to promise a safe reopening without testing capacity ramped up to meet the needs for millions of Americans.
If Trump’s plan to get the nation working again is “sinful,” however, then so are the plans of at least 10 state governors who have announced their intentions to reopen businesses in their shut-down states, including Democratic Govs. Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California. In fact, nine Democratic governors have publicly discussed their plans for a reopening of their states.
“Addressing public health and the economy: Which one is first? They’re both first,” Cuomo said.